What are the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for PayPal server endpoints?

When API calls are made to the NVP/SOAP and REST servers, we recommend using Domain Name Service (DNS) results with default Time To Live (TTL) values to determine IP addresses of our servers. We do not recommend adding IP addresses to an allow list. If you must add to an allow list, use the following ranges that are applicable to Live and Sandbox endpoints.:


At least one of the IP addresses listed above will be serving traffic for each system. Your application must know how to cycle through all the address ranges until it locates one that is functioning. 


API Endpoints

  • api.paypal.com
  • api-3t.paypal.com
  • svcs.paypal.com
  • Ipnpb.paypal.com

SFTP Endpoints

  • accounts.paypal.com
  • batch.paypal.com
  • disputes.paypal.com
  • reports.paypal.com

Payflow Endpoints

  • manager.paypal.com
  • payflowlink.paypal.com
  • payflowpro.paypal.com
  • partnermanager.paypal.com
  • payments-reports.paypal.com/reportingengine
  • paypalmanager.paypal.com
  • registration.paypal.com
  • xml-reg.paypal.com

Informative Domain

  • notify.paypal.com



  • api.sandbox.paypal.com
  • api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com
  • svcs.sandbox.paypal.com
  • Ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com

SFTP Endpoints

  • accounts.sandbox.paypal.com
  • batch.sandbox.paypal.com
  • disputes.sandbox.paypal.com
  • dropzone.sandbox.paypal.com
  • reports.sandbox.paypal.com

Payflow Endpoints

  • pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com
  • pilot-payflowlink.paypal.com
  • payments-reports.paypal.com/test-reportingengine

Informative Domain

  • ipn.sandbox.paypal.com

See also: 

Autres manières d'obtenir de l'aide

Gestionnaire de litiges

Résolvez les problèmes liés aux transactions et aux comptes.

Centre des impôts

Obtenez votre formulaire 1099-K et d'autres informations fiscales ici.

Aide pour les professionnels

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