PayPal Merchant Fees

When you sell with us, you can get some of the most competitive rates in the business.

Last Updated: 11, December 2024

You can find details about changes to our rates and fees and when they will apply on our Policy Updates Page. You can also view these changes by clicking ‘Legal’ at the bottom of any web-page and then selecting ‘Policy Updates’.

Domestic: A transaction occurring when both the sender and receiver are registered with or identified by PayPal as residents of the same market.

International: A transaction occurring when the sender and receiver are registered with or identified by PayPal as residents of different markets. Certain markets are grouped together when calculating international transaction rates. For a listing of our groupings, please access our Market/Region Grouping Table.

Market Code Table: We may refer to two-letter market codes throughout our fee pages. For a complete listing of PayPal market codes, please access our Market Code Table.

Relevant Market/Region

Rates published below apply to PayPal accounts of residents of the following market/region:

Market/Region list

Albania (AL)Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD)Maldives (MV)Saint Vincent & Grenadines (VC)
Algeria (DZ)Dominica (DM) Mali (ML) Samoa (WS)
Andorra (AD) Djibouti (DJ) Marshall Islands (MH) Sao Tome & Principe (ST)
Angola (AO) Dominican Republic (DO) Monaco (MC) Saudi Arabia (SA)
Anguilla (AI) Ecuador (EC) Mauritania (MR)Senegal (SN)
Antigua & Barbuda (AG) Egypt (EG) Mauritius (MU) Serbia (RS)
Argentina (AR) El Salvador (SV) Moldova (MD) Seychelles (SC)
Armenia (AM) Eritrea (ER) Mongolia (MN) Sierra Leone (SL)
Aruba (AW) Ethiopia (ET) Montenegro (ME) Singapore (SG)
Azerbaijan Republic (AZ)Falkland Islands (FK) Montserrat (MS) Solomon Islands (SB)
Bahamas (BS) Faroe Islands (FO) Morocco (MA) Somalia (SO)
Bahrain (BH) Federated States of Micronesia (FM) Mozambique (MZ) South Africa (ZA)
Bangladesh (BD) Fiji (FJ) Namibia (NA) Sri Lanka (LK)
Barbados (BB) French Polynesia (PF) Nauru (NR) Suriname (SR)
Belarus (BY) Gabon (GA) Nepal (NP) Svalbard & Jan Mayen (SJ)
Belize (BZ) Gambia (GM) Netherlands Antilles (AN) Swaziland (SZ)
Benin (BJ) Georgia (GE) New Caledonia (NC) Tajikistan (TJ)
Bermuda (BM) Greenland (GL) New Zealand (NZ) Tanzania (TZ)
Bhutan (BT) Grenada (GD) Nicaragua (NI) Togo (TG)
Bolivia (BO) Guatemala (GT) Niger (NE) Tonga (TO)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BA) Guinea-Bissau (GW) Nigeria (NG) Trinidad & Tobago (TT)
Botswana (BW) Guyana (GY) Niue (NU) Tunisia (TN)
British Virgin Islands (VG) Honduras (HN) Norfolk Island (NF) Turkmenistan (TM)
Brunei (BN) Iceland (IS) Oman (OM) Turks & Caicos Islands (TC)
Burkina Faso (BF) Indonesia (ID) Palau (PW) Tuvalu (TV)
Burundi (BI) Jamaica (JM) Panama (PA) Uganda (UG)
Cambodia (KH)Jordan (JO) Papua New Guinea (PG) Ukraine (UA)
Cameroon (CM) Kazakhstan (KZ) Paraguay (PY) United Arab Emirates (AE)
Cape Verde (CV) Kenya (KE) Peru (PE) Uruguay (UY)
Cayman Islands (KY) Kiribati (KI) Philippines (PH) Vanuatu (VU)
Chad (TD) Kuwait (KW) Pitcairn Islands (PN) Venezuela (VE)
Chile (CL) Kyrgyzstan (KG) Qatar (QA) Wallis & Futuna Islands (WF)
Columbia (CO) Laos (LA) Republic of the Congo (CG) Yemen (YE)
Comoros (KM) Lesotho (LS) Rwanda (RW) Zambia (ZM)
Cook Islands (CK) Macedonia (MK) Saint Helena (SH) Zimbabwe (ZW)
Costa Rica (CR) Madagascar (MG) Saint Kitts & Nevis (KN)
Cote d’Ivoire (CI) Malawi (MW) Saint Lucia (LC)
Croatia (HR) Malaysia (MY) Saint Pierre & Miquelon (PM)

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Commercial Transaction Rates

When you buy or sell goods or services, make any other commercial type of transaction, send or receive a charity donation or receive a payment when you “request money” using PayPal, we call that a “commercial transaction”.

Standard rate for receiving domestic transactions

Market/Region of recipient’s addressRate
KN, KY, LC, NI, PA, PE, SV, TC, TT, UY, & VE
5.40% + fixed fee
MY & SG3.90% + fixed fee
MA4.40% + fixed fee
BH, DZ, FJ, JO, NC, OM, PF, PW, & SA4.90% + fixed fee
All other markets3.40% + fixed fee

Merchant rate for receiving transactions

Subject to eligibility, application approval by PayPal and the terms of the user agreement, this rate will apply to all commercial transactions. PayPal may evaluate applications on a case-by-case basis, including, without limitation on the following criteria: qualifying monthly sales volume, size of average shopping cart and an account in good standing. See our user agreement for more details.

Market/Region of recipient’s addressAggregate monetary amount
of commercial transactions received
in the previous calendar month
PE, SV, TC, TT, UY, & VE
0.01 – 3,000.00 USD5.40% + fixed fee
3,000.01 – 10,000.00 USD4.90% + fixed fee
10,000.01 – 100,000.00 USD4.70% + fixed fee
100,000.01+ USD4.40% + fixed fee

Receiving international transactions

Seller’s Market/RegionBuyer’s Market/RegionRate
AD, AL, BA, FO, GE, MD, & RSEEA & UK4.69% + fixed fee
All other markets5.39% + fixed fee
PA, PE, SV, TC, TT, UY, & VE
All markets5.40% + fixed fee
BH, DZ, FJ, JO, NC, OM, PF, PW, & SA All markets4.90% + fixed fee
HR, IS, & MCEEA3.40% + fixed fee
UK4.69% + fixed fee
All other markets5.39% + fixed fee
All other marketsAll markets4.40% + fixed fee

Additional service fee for recipients of UK based international commercial transactions (Applicable markets - HR, IS, & MC)

This fee only applies to merchants who have separate agreements with PayPal. An additional service fee, following a change in applicable laws, regulations or card scheme rules relating to the sending or receipt of commercial transactions, may be applied on the amount of a commercial transaction received by merchants with a PayPal account registered in the EEA market/region from a sender whose account is registered with or identified by PayPal as being in the UK market/region.

Payment typeFee
Commercial transactions where the recipient’s market/region is registered or identified by PayPal as the EEA1.29%

Fixed fee for commercial transactions (based on currency received)

Australian dollar0.30 AUD
Brazilian real0.60 BRL
Canadian dollar0.30 CAD
Czech koruna10.00 CZK
Danish krone2.60 DKK
Euro0.35 EUR
Hong Kong dollar2.35 HKD
Hungarian forint90.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel1.20 ILS
Japanese yen40.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit2.00 MYR
Mexican peso4.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar10.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar0.45 NZD
Norwegian krone2.80 NOK
Philippine peso15.00 PHP
Polish zloty1.35 PLN
Russian ruble10.00 RUB
Singapore dollar0.50 SGD
Swedish krona3.25 SEK
Swiss franc0.55 CHF
Thai baht11.00 THB
UK pounds sterling0.20 GBP
US dollar0.30 USD

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Alternative Payment Method Rates

We may allow your customers to choose any of the alternative payment methods (APM) listed in our APM agreement at checkout to pay you for purchases.

For a complete listing of the APMs we support, please see Annex 1 of your market’s APM agreement. You must accept the terms of your market’s APM agreement before receiving APM payments.

Our Commercial Transaction Rates apply when you receive APM funded payments.

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PayPal Online Card Payment Services

Use of applicable Services is subject to eligibility, application, and approval by PayPal and your acceptance of the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement. These rates will apply to the following payment types received using Online Card Payment Services.

Capitalized terms in this section are defined in the PayPal Online Card Payment Services Agreement.

Receiving domestic transactions using Online Card Payment Services

Market/Region of SellerTransactionRate
SGAdvanced Credit and Debit Card Payments3.40% + fixed fee
SGAll Other Payment TransactionsCommercial Transaction rates apply

Receiving international transactions

The fee for receiving domestic transactions applies plus the additional percentage-based fee for international commercial transactions.

Additional percentage-based fee for international Online Card Payment Services transactions

Seller’s Market/RegionBuyer’s Market/RegionRate
SGAll other markets - Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments+0.70%
All other markets – All Other Payment Transactions+0.50%

Fixed fee for Online Card Payment Services transactions (based on currency received)

Australian dollar0.30 AUD
Brazilian real0.60 BRL
Canadian dollar0.30 CAD
Czech koruna10.00 CZK
Danish krone2.60 DKK
Euro0.35 EUR
Hong Kong dollar2.35 HKD
Hungarian forint90.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel1.20 ILS
Japanese yen40.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit2.00 MYR
Mexican peso4.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar10.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar0.45 NZD
Norwegian krone2.80 NOK
Philippine peso15.00 PHP
Polish zloty1.35 PLN
Russian ruble10.00 RUB
Singapore dollar0.50 SGD
Swedish krona3.25 SEK
Swiss franc0.55 CHF
Thai baht11.00 THB
UK pounds sterling0.20 GBP
US dollar0.30 USD

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PayPal Payouts

PayPal Payouts (which includes the service formerly known as Mass Pay) allows you to easily send payments to multiple recipients at once. We charge you a fee for each payment you send using PayPal Payouts. The fee is based on the type of payment and currency in which it is sent.

Sending PayPal Payouts

Market/Region of recipient’s addressTransactionRate
AL, AD, BA, FO, GE, MD, RS, & UADomestic PayPal Payouts2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the domestic maximum fee cap below)
International PayPal Payouts2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the international maximum fee cap below)
HR, IS, & MCDomestic PayPal Payouts2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the domestic maximum fee cap below)
International PayPal Payouts between PayPal accounts registered in the European Economic Area2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the domestic maximum fee cap below)
International PayPal Payouts2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the international maximum fee cap below)
MY, NZ, PH, & SGDomestic PayPal Payouts2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the domestic maximum fee cap below)
International PayPal Payouts2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the international maximum fee cap below)
All other marketsDomestic & International PayPal Payouts2.00 % of total transaction amount (not to exceed the international maximum fee cap below)

AL, AD, BA, GE, FO, HR, IS, MC, MD, RS, & UA – Maximum fee cap for PayPal Payouts

Based on payment currency:

CurrencyDomestic Maximum Fee CapInternational Maximum Fee Cap
Australian dollar16.00 AUD100.00 AUD
Brazilian real24.00 BRL150.00 BRL
Canadian dollar14.00 CAD90.00 CAD
Czech koruna280.00 CZK1700.00 CZK
Danish krone84.00 DKK500.00 DKK
Euro12.00 EUR70.00 EUR
Hong Kong dollar110.00 HKD660.00 HKD
Hungarian forint3080.00 HUF18,500.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel50.00 ILS320.00 ILS
Japanese yen1200.00 JPY8000.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit50.00 MYR300.00 MYR
Mexican peso170.00 MXN1080.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar440.00 TWD2700.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar20.00 NZD120.00 NZD
Norwegian krone90.00 NOK540.00 NOK
Philippine peso640.00 PHP3800.00 PHP
Polish zloty46.00 PLN280.00 PLN
Russian ruble480.00 RUB2800.00 RUB
Singapore dollar20.00 SGD120.00 SGD
Swedish krona100.00 SEK640.00 SEK
Swiss franc16.00 CHF100.00 CHF
Thai baht460.00 THB2800.00 THB
UK pounds sterling10.00 GBP60.00 GBP
US dollar14.00 USD90.00 USD

MY, NZ, PH, & SG – Maximum fee cap for PayPal Payouts

Based on payment currency:

CurrencyDomestic Maximum Fee CapInternational Maximum Fee Cap
Australian dollar1.25 AUD60.00 AUD
Brazilian real2.00 BRL100.00 BRL
Canadian dollar1.25 CAD60.00 CAD
Czech koruna24.00 CZK1000.00 CZK
Danish krone6.00 DKK300.00 DKK
Euro0.85 EUR40.00 EUR
Hong Kong dollar7.00 HKD400.00 HKD
Hungarian forint210.00 HUF15,000.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel4.00 ILS200.00 ILS
Japanese yen120.00 JPY5000.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit4.00 MYR200.00 MYR
Mexican peso11.00 MXN750.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar33.00 TWD2000.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar1.50 NZD75.00 NZD
Norwegian krone6.75 NOK300.00 NOK
Philippine peso50.00 PHP2500.00 PHP
Polish zloty3.00 PLN150.00 PLN
Russian ruble30.00 RUB1500.00 RUB
Singapore dollar1.60 SGD80.00 SGD
Swedish krona9.00 SEK400.00 SEK
Swiss franc1.30 CHF50.00 CHF
Thai baht36.00 THB2000.00 THB
UK pounds sterling0.65 GBP35.00 GBP
US dollar1.00 USD50.00 USD

All other markets – Maximum fee cap for PayPal Payouts

Based on payment currency:

CurrencyMaximum Fee Cap
Australian dollar1.25 AUD
Brazilian real2.00 BRL
Canadian dollar1.25 CAD
Czech koruna24.00 CZK
Danish krone6.00 DKK
Euro0.85 EUR
Hong Kong dollar7.00 HKD
Hungarian forint210.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel4.00 ILS
Japanese yen120.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit4.00 MYR
Mexican peso11.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar33.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar1.50 NZD
Norwegian krone6.75 NOK
Philippine peso50.00 PHP
Polish zloty3.00 PLN
Russian ruble30.00 RUB
Singapore dollar1.60 SGD
Swedish krona9.00 SEK
Swiss franc1.30 CHF
Thai baht36.00 THB
UK pounds sterling0.65 GBP
US dollar1.00 USD

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Subject to application and pre-approval by PayPal, you may upgrade an existing account to receive the Micropayments rates. Micropayment rates can be ideal as an alternative to standard commercial transaction rates for business that process payments under 5.00 SGD. If you upgrade to the Micropayment rate, this rate will apply to all commercial transaction payments received into your PayPal account. Please contact us to apply for the Micropayment rates.

Receiving micropayments

Market/Region of recipient’s addressTransactionRate
PA, PE, PY, SR, SV, TC, TT, UY, VC, VE, & VG
Domestic & International micropayments6.50% + micropayments fixed fee
HR, IS, & MCDomestic micropayments and international micropayments between PayPal accounts registered in the European Economic Area5.00% + micropayments fixed fee
International micropayments6.00% + micropayments fixed fee
All other markets (where available)Domestic micropayments5.00% + micropayments fixed fee
International micropayments6.00% + micropayments fixed fee

Receiving micropayments for digital goods

Market/Region of recipient’s addressTransactionRate
AD, AL, BA, FO, GE, MD, & RSDomestic micropayments5.00% + micropayments fixed fee
International micropayments6.00% + micropayments fixed fee
HR, IS, & MCDomestic micropayments and international micropayments between PayPal accounts registered in the European Economic Area5.00% + micropayments fixed fee
International micropayments6.00% + micropayments fixed fee
ID & PHInternational micropayments6.00% + micropayments fixed fee
MY & SGDomestic micropayments5.50% + micropayments fixed fee
International micropayments6.00% + micropayments fixed fee
All other markets (where available)Domestic micropayments5.00% + micropayments fixed fee
International micropayments5.50% + micropayments fixed fee

Micropayments fixed fee

Based on payment currency:

Australian dollar0.05 AUD
Brazilian real0.10 BRL
Canadian dollar0.05 CAD
Czech koruna1.67 CZK
Danish krone0.43 DKK
Euro0.05 EUR
Hong Kong dollar0.39 HKD
Hungarian forint15.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel0.20 ILS
Japanese yen7.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit0.20 MYR
Mexican peso0.55 MXN
New Taiwan dollar2.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar0.08 NZD
Norwegian krone0.47 NOK
Philippine peso2.50 PHP
Polish zloty0.23 PLN
Russian ruble2.00 RUB
Singapore dollar0.08 SGD
Swedish krona0.54 SEK
Swiss franc0.09 CHF
Thai baht1.80 THB
UK pounds sterling0.05 GBP
US dollar0.05 USD

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Chargeback Fees

For transactions that are not processed either through a buyer’s PayPal account or through a guest checkout, we assess a settlement fee to sellers for credit and debit card transaction chargebacks (a chargeback may occur when a buyer rejects or reverses a charge on his or her card through the card issuer).

The chargeback fee is based on the currency received as follows:

AL, AD, BA, GE, HR, IS, MC, MD, & RS – Chargeback fees

Australian dollar22.00 AUD
Brazilian real35.00 BRL
Canadian dollar20.00 CAD
Czech koruna400.00 CZK
Danish krone120.00 DKK
Euro16.00 EUR
Hong Kong dollar155.00 HKD
Hungarian forint4325.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel75.00 ILS
Japanese yen1875.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit65.00 MYR
Mexican peso250.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar625.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar28.00 NZD
Norwegian krone125.00 NOK
Philippine peso900.00 PHP
Polish zloty65.00 PLN
Russian ruble640.00 RUB
Singapore dollar28.00 SGD
Swedish krona150.00 SEK
Swiss franc22.00 CHF
Thai baht650.00 THB
UK pounds sterling14.00 GBP
US dollar20.00 USD

All other markets – Chargeback fees

Australian dollar15.00 AUD
Brazilian real20.00 BRL
Canadian dollar15.00 CAD
Czech koruna250.00 CZK
Danish krone60.00 DKK
Euro11.25 EUR
Hong Kong dollar75.00 HKD
Hungarian forint2,000.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel40.00 ILS
Japanese yen1,300.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit40.00 MYR
Mexican peso110.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar330.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar15.00 NZD
Norwegian krone65.00 NOK
Philippine peso500.00 PHP
Polish zloty30.00 PLN
Russian ruble320.00 RUB
Singapore dollar15.00 SGD
Swedish krona80.00 SEK
Swiss franc10.00 CHF
Thai baht360.00 THB
UK pounds sterling7.00 GBP
US dollar10.00 USD

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Dispute Fees

We may charge a Dispute Fee when a buyer files a dispute claim or chargeback for a transaction that was processed through the buyer’s PayPal account or a PayPal checkout solution. Please see the User Agreement for more information about Standard and High Volume Dispute fees.

Dispute fees will be applied in the currency of the original transaction.

Standard Dispute Fees

Australian dollar12.00 AUDNew Taiwan dollar250.00 TWD
Brazilian real35.00 BRLNew Zealand dollar13.00 NZD
Canadian dollar10.00 CADNorwegian krone75.00 NOK
Czech koruna185.00 CZKPhilippine peso405.00 PHP
Danish krone55.00 DKKPolish zloty30.00 PLN
Euro7.00 EURRussian ruble600.00 RUB
Hong Kong dollar65.00 HKDSingapore dollar11.00 SGD
Hungarian forint2450.00 HUFSwedish krona75.00 SEK
Indian Rupee580.00 INRSwiss franc8.00 CHF
Israeli new shekel30.00 ILSThai baht250.00 THB
Japanese yen870.00 JPYUK pounds sterling6.00 GBP
Malaysian ringgit35.00 MYRUS dollar8.00 USD
Mexican peso160.00 MXN

High Volume Dispute Fees

Australian dollar24.00 AUDNew Taiwan dollar500.00 TWD
Brazilian real70.00 BRLNew Zealand dollar26.00 NZD
Canadian dollar20.00 CADNorwegian krone150.00 NOK
Czech koruna370.00 CZKPhilippine peso810.00 PHP
Danish krone110.00 DKKPolish zloty60.00 PLN
Euro14.00 EURRussian ruble1200.00 RUB
Hong Kong dollar130.00 HKDSingapore dollar22.00 SGD
Hungarian forint4900.00 HUFSwedish krona150.00 SEK
Indian Rupee1160.00 INRSwiss franc16.00 CHF
Israeli new shekel60.00 ILSThai baht500.00 THB
Japanese yen1740.00 JPYUK pounds sterling12.00 GBP
Malaysian ringgit70.00 MYRUS dollar16.00 USD
Mexican peso320.00 MXN

Currency Conversions

For information about how we convert currency, please see the user agreement.

The transaction exchange rate used for your currency conversion includes a fee which we charge above the base exchange rate. The fee depends on the type of currency conversion, as follows:

Conversions when sending payments or receiving refund(s)

For any currency conversions that occur when making personal payments or commercial transactions and receiving a refund beyond 1 day of the date of the original payment.

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands
Bhutan, Cambodia, Federated States of Micronesia, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tonga
Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Rep of the Congo, Cook Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, St. Helena, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Iceland, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine

Malaysia - Conversions when sending payments or receiving refund(s)

For any currency conversions that occur when making commercial transactions and receiving a refund beyond 1 day of the date of the original payment.

CurrencyRate above the base exchange rate
(to form the transaction exchange rate)
CurrencyRate above the base exchange rate
(to form the transaction exchange rate)
Australian dollar (AUD)4.00%New Taiwan dollar (TWD)4.00%
Brazilian real (BRL)4.00%New Zealand dollar (NZD)4.00%
Canadian dollar (CAD)3.50%Norwegian krone (NOK)4.00%
Czech koruna (CZK)4.00%Philippine peso (PHP)4.00%
Danish krone (DKK)4.00%Polish zloty (PLN)4.00%
Euro (EUR)4.00%Russian ruble (RUB)4.00%
Hong Kong dollar (HKD)4.00%Singapore dollar (SGD)4.00%
Hungarian forint (HUF)4.00%Swedish krona (SEK)4.00%
Israeli new shekel (ILS)4.00%Swiss franc (CHF)4.00%
Japanese yen (JPY)4.00%Thai baht (THB)4.00%
Malaysian ringgit (MYR)4.00%UK pounds sterling (GBP)4.00%
Mexican peso (MXN)4.00%US dollar (USD)3.50%

Monaco - Conversions when sending payments or receiving refund(s)

For any currency conversions that occur when making personal payments or commercial transactions and receiving a refund beyond 1 day of the date of the original payment.

CurrencyRate above the base exchange rate
(to form the transaction exchange rate)
CurrencyRate above the base exchange rate
(to form the transaction exchange rate)
Australian dollar (AUD)4.00%New Taiwan dollar (TWD)4.00%
Brazilian real (BRL)4.00%New Zealand dollar (NZD)4.00%
Canadian dollar (CAD)3.50%Norwegian krone (NOK)4.00%
Czech koruna (CZK)4.00%Philippine peso (PHP)4.00%
Danish krone (DKK)4.00%Polish zloty (PLN)4.00%
Euro (EUR)4.00%Russian ruble (RUB)4.00%
Hong Kong dollar (HKD)4.00%Singapore dollar (SGD)4.00%
Hungarian forint (HUF)4.00%Swedish krona (SEK)4.00%
Israeli new shekel (ILS)4.00%Swiss franc (CHF)4.00%
Japanese yen (JPY)4.00%Thai baht (THB)4.00%
Malaysian ringgit (MYR)4.00%UK pounds sterling (GBP)4.00%
Mexican peso (MXN)4.00%US dollar (USD)3.50%

Converting balance, transfers, and payments received into another currency

For any currency conversions that occur when receiving other payments (including PayPal Payouts), adding funds to your PayPal account, transferring funds to your bank/card account, and when transferring funds between your PayPal balances if held in different currencies.

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands
Bhutan, Cambodia, Federated States of Micronesia, Indonesia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tonga
Algeria, Angola, Bahrain, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Rep of the Congo, Cook Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome And Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, St. Helena, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Iceland, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine

Conversions in all other cases

Rates for all other currency conversions:


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eCheque Fees

Sometimes the sender of a payment you receive may use an eCheque as a means of funding that payment from their bank account, in order to send it from their PayPal account. Please see the user agreement for more information about eCheques. When you receive an eCheque funded payment we apply the fee you agreed to pay to receive the payment up to a monetary cap indicated below (based on the currency received):

Receiving eCheques fees

AL, AD, BA, GE, HR, ID, IS, MD, MO, MY, NZ, PH, RS, & SGCommercial Transaction Rates

Maximum fee cap for eCheques

CurrencyMaximum fee cap
Australian dollar50.00 AUD
Brazilian real75.00 BRL
Canadian dollar45.00 CAD
Czech koruna850.00 CZK
Danish krone250.00 DKK
Euro35.00 EUR
Hong Kong dollar330.00 HKD
Hungarian forint9,250.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel160.00 ILS
Japanese yen4,000.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit150.00 MYR
Mexican peso540.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar1,350.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar60.00 NZD
Norwegian krone270.00 NOK
Philippine peso1,900.00 PHP
Polish zloty140.00 PLN
Russian ruble1,400.00 RUB
Singapore dollar60.00 SGD
Swedish krona320.00 SEK
Swiss franc50.00 CHF
Thai baht1,400.00 THB
UK pounds sterling30.00 GBP
US dollar45.00 USD

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Withdrawals Out of PayPal

You can typically withdraw money out of PayPal by standard withdrawals/transfers to your linked bank account or eligible cards. Withdrawal to a bank account or a card may not be possible in all markets/regions. A currency conversion (and currency conversion fees) may also apply.

Withdrawing a balance from a business PayPal account

Withdrawal/Transfer toMarket/RegionRate
Bank accountAENo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) where AED withdrawal amount is greater than 750.00 AED
11.00 AED
If AED withdrawal amount is less than 750.00 AED
1.50%, minimum fee 15.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal) *
AL536.00 ALL (per ALL withdrawal) *
AR75.00 ARS (per ARS withdrawal)
BH2.00 BHD (per BHD withdrawal) *
CL800.00 CLP (per CLP withdrawal)
1.00%, minimum fee 10.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal)
CO3500.00 COP (per COP withdrawal)
CR625.00 CRC (per CRC withdrawal)
1.00%, minimum fee 10.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal)
DO100.00 DOP (per DOP withdrawal)
0.50%, minimum fee 10.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal)
EC0.50%, minimum fee 10.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal)
EG125.00 EGP (per EGP withdrawal)
GE13.50 GEL (per GEL withdrawal) *
IDNo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) where IDR withdrawal amount is greater than 1,500,000.00 IDR
16,000.00 IDR
If IDR withdrawal amount is less than 1,500,000.00 IDR
JO3.50 JOD (per JOD withdrawal) *
KENo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) where KES withdrawal amount is greater than 20,000.00 KES
105.00 KES
If KES withdrawal amount is less than 20,000.00 KES
KW1.50 KWD (per KWD withdrawal) *
MANo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) where MAD withdrawal amount is greater than 2000.00 MAD
30.00 MAD
If MAD withdrawal amount is less than 2000.00 MAD
MD96.00 MDL (per MDL withdrawal) *
MU220.00 MUR (per MUR withdrawal) *
MYNo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) where MYR withdrawal amount is greater than 400.00 MYR
3.00 MYR
If MYR withdrawal amount is less than 400.00 MYR
OM2.00 OMR (per OMR withdrawal) *
PA1.00%, minimum fee 15.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal) *
PE4.00 PEN (per PEN withdrawal)
1.00%, minimum fee 10.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal)
PHNo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) where PHP withdrawal amount is greater than 7000.00 PHP
50.00 PHP
If PHP withdrawal amount is less than 7000.00 PHP
QA18.00 QAR (per QAR withdrawal)*
RS550.00 RSD (per RSD withdrawal)*
SGNo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved) where SGD withdrawal amount is greater than 200.00 SGD
1.00 SGD
If SGD withdrawal amount is less than 200.00 SGD
SV0.50%, minimum fee 10.00 USD
(per USD withdrawal)
UY200.00 UYU (per UYU withdrawal)
All other markets (where available)No Fee (when no currency conversion is involved)
US Bank account
AE, AL, BH, EC, EG, GE, ID, JO, KE, KW, MD, MU, NZ, OM, PA, PH, QA, RS, SG, SV & UY3.00%
AR & CO3.50%
CL, CR, DO, & PE3.00%
All other marketsNo Fee (when no currency conversion is involved)
CardsHR, KW, PH, QA, RS, & SG1% of amount transferred
AL, DZ, AG, BS, BH, BB, BZ, BA, BW, CL, DM, EG, FJ, PF, GE, GD, HN, IS, JO, KZ, LS, MW, MU, MD, MA, MZ, NC, OM, PW, KN, LC, SA, SN, SC, TT, TC, AE, & UYFixed Fee for card withdrawal applies per withdrawal
ID, MYFixed Fee for card withdrawal applies per withdrawal
Manual Withdrawals/Transfers to Visa Credit CardAL, AG, BA, BB, BZ, DM, DZ, EG, FJ, PF, GD, KN, LC, LS, MW, NC, PW, SC, TC, & TT5.00 USD (or equivalent)

*Additional fees may be charged by your bank resulting in less than full amount being credited to your bank account. PayPal will bear no responsibility for any fees or costs (including lifting fees) imposed by the beneficiary bank where you have your bank account into which you request the withdrawal, or its intermediary/correspondent bank.

Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.

HR, KW, PH, QA, RS & SG - Minimum and maximum fees

Based on card withdrawal currency:

CurrencyMinimum FeeMaximum Fee
Afghan Afghani25.00 AFN1,050.00 AFN
Armenian dram135.00 AMD5250.00 AMD
Australian dollar0.25 AUD10.00 AUD
Azerbaijan manat0.45 AZN17.50 AZN
Bahraini dinar0.10 BHD4.00 BHD
Bangladeshi Taka22.00 BDT880.00 BDT
Belizean dollar0.50 BZD20.00 BZD
Bulgarian lev0.50 BGN20.00 BGN
Canadian dollar0.25 CAD10.00 CAD
CFA france135.00 XOF5400.00 XOF
Czech koruna5.70 CZK230.00 CZK
Danish krone1.80 DKK70.00 DKK
Eritrean Nakfa3.75 ERN150.00 ERN
Euro0.25 EUR10.00 EUR
Ghanaian Cedi1.55 GHS62.50 GHS
Haitian Gourde25.00 HTG1,000.00 HTG
Hong Kong dollar2.00 HKD80.00 HKD
Hungarian forint70.00 HUF2900.00 HUF
Iraqi Dinar365.00 IQD14,500.00 IQD
Israeli new shekel1.00 ILS40.00 ILS
Japanese yen30.00 JPY1100.00 JPY
Jordanian dinar0.20 JOD7.25 JOD
Kuwaiti dinar1 KWDNo Max
Kyrgyzstani som22.50 KGS850.00 KGS
Lebanese Pound380.00 LBP15,250.00 LBP
Lesotho Loti4.00 LSL160.00 LSL
Liberian Dollar37.50 LRD1,500.00 LRD
Macanese Pataca2.00 MOP80.00 MOP
Malaysian ringgit1.00 MYR40.00 MYR
Mauritanian Ouguiya9 MRU360.00 MRU
Mexican peso5.00 MXN200.00 MXN
Mozambican metical20.00 MZN750.00 MZN
Myanmar Kyat450.00 MMK18,000.00 MMK
New Zealand dollar0.40 NZD15.00 NZD
Norwegian krone1.00 NOK40.00 NOK
Omani rial0.10 OMR4.00 OMR
Pakistani Rupee45.00 PKR1,800.00 PKR
Philippine peso10.00 PHP500.00 PHP
Polish zloty1.00 PLN40.00 PLN
Qatari rial1.00 QAR40.00 QAR
Romania new lei1.00 RON40.00 RON
Russian ruble20.00 RUB700.00 RUB
Rwandan franc250.00 RWF10,000.00 RWF
Salvadoran Colón2.25 SVC90.00 SVC
São Tomé And Príncipe Dobra5.50 STN220.00 STN
Serbian dinar25.00 RSD1000.00 RSD
Singapore dollar0.50 SGD15.00 SGD
South African rand3.60 ZAR145.00 ZAR
Sri Lanka rupee50.00 LKR1800.00 LKR
Swedish krona2.50 SEK100.00 SEK
Swiss franc0.25 CHF10.00 CHF
Thai baht8.00 THB320.00 THB
Tunisian dinar0.75 TND27.50 TND
Turkish lira3.50 TRY140.00 TRY
Turkmenistani Manat1.00 TMT40.00 TMT
Ugandan shilling930.00 UGX37,500.00 UGX
United Arab Emirates dirham0.90 AED36.70 AED
UK pounds sterling0.20 GBP8.00 GBP
US dollar0.25 USD10.00 USD
Uzbekistani Som3,000.00 UZS120,000.00 UZS
Venezuelan bolivar2,000,000.00 VES60,000,000.00 VES
Zambian kwacha5.50 ZMW215.00 ZMW
ALL Other CurrenciesNo MinNo Max

Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.

AL, DZ, AG, BS, BH, BB, BZ, BA, BW, CL, DM, EG, FJ, PF, GE, GD, HN, IS, JO, KZ, LS, MW, MU, MD, MA, MZ, NC, OM, PW, KN, LC, SA, SN, SC, TT, TC, AE, & UY - Fixed fee for card withdrawal

Based on withdrawal currency:

Afghan Afghani525.00 AFN
Albania lek552.00 ALL
Algerian dinar600.00 DZD
Angola kwanza2466.00 AOA
Argentine peso15.00 ARS
Armenian dram2625.00 AMD
Aruban florin9.00 AWG
Australian dollar7.00 AUD
Azerbaijan manat 8.50 AZN
Bahamian dollar5.00 BSD
Bahraini dinar2.00 BHD
Balboa5.00 PAB
Bangladeshi Taka440.00 BDT
Barbados dollar10.00 BBD
Belizean dollar10.00 BZD
Bermudian dollar5.00 BMD
Bhutan ngultrum355.00 BTN
Boliviano35.00 BOB
Botswana pula54.00 BWP
Brazilian real10.00 BRL
Brunei dollar7.00 BND
Bulgarian lev7.00 BGN
Burundi franc9449.00 BIF
Cabo Verde escudo497.00 CVE
Canadian dollar6.00 CAD
Cayman Island dollar4.00 KYD
CFA franc BEAC2956.00 XAF
CFA france2700.00 XOF
Chilean peso2400.00 CLP
Comoro franc2218.00 KMF
Cordoba oro171.00 NIO
Columbian peso16658.00 COP
Congolese franc8452.00 CDF
Convertible mark9.00 BAM
Costa Rican colon2816.00 CRC
Cypriot pound2.40 CYP
Czech koruna110.00 CZK
Dalasi256.00 GMD
Danish krone30.00 DKK
Denar278.00 MKD
Djibouti franc889.00 DJF
Dominican peso267.00 DOP
Dong115874.00 VND
East Caribbean dollar14.00 XCD
Egyptian pound79.00 EGP
Eritrean Nakfa75 ERN
Estonian kroon60.00 EEK
Ethiopian birr160.00 ETB
Euro4.00 EUR
Falkland Islands pound4.00 FKP
Fiji dollar11.00 FJD
Ghanaian Cedi31.25 GHS
Gibraltar pound4.00 GIP
Guarani32625.00 PYG
Guinea franc47695.00 GNF
Guyana dollar1043.00 GYD
Haitian Gourde500.00 HTG
Hong Kong dollar40.00 HKD
Hryvnia122.00 UAH
Hungarian forint1000.00 HUF
Iceland krona340.00 ISK
Indian rupee200.00 INR
Iraqi Dinar7250.00 IQD
Israeli new shekel22.00 ILS
Japanese yen610.00 JPY
Jamaican dollar670.00 JMD
Jordanian dinar3.60 JOD
Kenyan shilling504.00 KES
Kina17.00 PGK
Kip44392.00 LAK
Kuwaiti dinar5.00 KWD
Kwacha3684.00 MWK
Kyrgyzstani som425.00 KGS
Lari14.00 GEL
Latvian lat3.00 LVL
Lebanese Pound7600.00 LBP
Leone49324.00 SLL
Lempira123.00 HNL
Lesotho Loti80.00 LSL
Liberian Dollar750.00 LRD
Lilangeni72.00 SZL
Lithuanian litas14.00 LTL
Macanese Pataca40.00 MOP
Malaysian ringgit20.00 MYR
Malagasy Ariary18259.00 MGA
Maltese lira1.80 MTL
Mauritanian ouguiya180.00 MRU
Mauritius rupee183.00 MUR
Mexican peso60.00 MXN
Moldovan leu88.00 MDL
Moroccan dirham48.00 MAD
Mozambican metical375.00 MZN
Myanmar Kyat9000.00 MMK
Naira1812.00 NGN
Namibia dollar72.00 NAD
Nepalese rupee571.00 NPR
Netherlands Antillean guilder8.00 ANG
New Taiwan dollar175.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar8.00 NZD
Norwegian krone32.00 NOK
Nuevo Sol17.00 PEN
Omani rial2.00 OMR
Pa’anga11.00 TOP
Pakistani Rupee900.00 PKR
Philippine peso250.00 PHP
Polish zloty16.00 PLN
Qatari rial18.00 QAR
Quetzal38.00 GTQ
Rand40.00 ZAR
Riel20600.00 KHR
Romanian leu12.00 RON
Rufiyaa77.00 MVR
Rupiah46000.00 IDR
Russian ruble150.00 RUB
Rwandan franc5000.00 RWF
Saint Helena pound4.00 SHP
Salvadoran Colón45.00 SVC
São Tomé And Príncipe Dobra110.00 STN
Saudi riyal19.00 SAR
Serbian dinar530.00 RSD
Seychelles rupee68.00 SCR
Singapore dollar8.00 SGD
Slovak koruna140.00 SKK
Solomon Islands dollar41.00 SBD
Somali shilling2898.00 SOS
Somoni52.00 TJS
Sri Lanka rupee907.00 LKR
Surinam dollar37.00 SRD
Swedish krona35.00 SEK
Swiss franc6.50 CHF
Tala13.00 WST
Tanzanian shilling11520.00 TZS
Tenge1887.00 KZT
Thai baht200.00 THB
Trinidad and Tobago dollar34.00 TTD
Tugrik13735.00 MNT
Tunisian dinar13.00 TND
Turkish lira70.00 TRY
Turkmenistani Manat20.00 TMT
Uganda shilling18388.00 UGX
UAE dirham20.00 AED
UK pounds sterling3.00 GBP
US dollar5.00 USD
Uzbekistani Som60,000.00 UZS
Uruguay peso100.00 UYI/UYU
Vatu582.00 VUV
Venezuelan bolivar30,000,000.00 VES
Won5830.00 KRW
Yemeni rial1252.00 YER
Yuan renminbi35.00 CNY
Zambian kwacha107.50 ZMW

Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.

ID & MY - Fixed fee for card withdrawal

Based on withdrawal currency:

Afghan Afghani525.00 AFN
Albania lek552.00 ALL
Algerian dinar600.00 DZD
Angola kwanza2466.00 AOA
Argentine peso15.00 ARS
Armenian dram2625.00 AMD
Aruban florin9.00 AWG
Australian dollar7.00 AUD
Azerbaijan manat 8.50 AZN
Bahamian dollar5.00 BSD
Bahraini dinar2.00 BHD
Balboa5.00 PAB
Bangladeshi Taka440.00 BDT
Barbados dollar10.00 BBD
Belizean dollar10.00 BZD
Bermudian dollar5.00 BMD
Bhutan ngultrum355.00 BTN
Boliviano35.00 BOB
Botswana pula54.00 BWP
Brazilian real10.00 BRL
Brunei dollar7.00 BND
Bulgarian lev7.00 BGN
Burundi franc9449.00 BIF
Cabo Verde escudo497.00 CVE
Canadian dollar6.00 CAD
Cayman Island dollar4.00 KYD
CFA franc BEAC2956.00 XAF
CFA france2700.00 XOF
Chilean peso2400.00 CLP
Comoro franc2218.00 KMF
Cordoba oro171.00 NIO
Columbian peso16658.00 COP
Congolese franc8452.00 CDF
Convertible mark9.00 BAM
Costa Rican colon2816.00 CRC
Cypriot pound2.40 CYP
Czech koruna110.00 CZK
Dalasi256.00 GMD
Danish krone30.00 DKK
Denar278.00 MKD
Djibouti franc889.00 DJF
Dominican peso267.00 DOP
Dong115874.00 VND
East Caribbean dollar14.00 XCD
Egyptian pound79.00 EGP
Eritrean Nakfa75 ERN
Estonian kroon60.00 EEK
Ethiopian birr160.00 ETB
Euro4.00 EUR
Falkland Islands pound4.00 FKP
Fiji dollar11.00 FJD
Ghanaian Cedi31.25 GHS
Gibraltar pound4.00 GIP
Guarani32625.00 PYG
Guinea franc47695.00 GNF
Guyana dollar1043.00 GYD
Haitian Gourde500.00 HTG
Hong Kong dollar40.00 HKD
Hryvnia122.00 UAH
Hungarian forint1000.00 HUF
Iceland krona340.00 ISK
Indian rupee200.00 INR
Iraqi Dinar7250.00 IQD
Israeli new shekel22.00 ILS
Japanese yen610.00 JPY
Jamaican dollar670.00 JMD
Jordanian dinar3.60 JOD
Kenyan shilling504.00 KES
Kina17.00 PGK
Kip44392.00 LAK
Kuwaiti dinar5.00 KWD
Kwacha3684.00 MWK
Kyrgyzstani som425.00 KGS
Lari14.00 GEL
Latvian lat3.00 LVL
Lebanese Pound7600.00 LBP
Leone49324.00 SLL
Lempira123.00 HNL
Lesotho Loti80.00 LSL
Liberian Dollar750.00 LRD
Lilangeni72.00 SZL
Lithuanian litas14.00 LTL
Macanese Pataca40.00 MOP
Malaysian ringgit3.00 MYR
Malagasy Ariary18259.00 MGA
Maltese lira1.80 MTL
Mauritanian ouguiya180.00 MRU
Mauritius rupee183.00 MUR
Mexican peso60.00 MXN
Moldovan leu88.00 MDL
Moroccan dirham48.00 MAD
Mozambican metical375.00 MZN
Myanmar Kyat9000.00 MMK
Naira1812.00 NGN
Namibia dollar72.00 NAD
Nepalese rupee571.00 NPR
Netherlands Antillean guilder8.00 ANG
New Taiwan dollar175.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar8.00 NZD
Norwegian krone32.00 NOK
Nuevo Sol17.00 PEN
Omani rial2.00 OMR
Pa’anga11.00 TOP
Pakistani Rupee900.00 PKR
Philippine peso250.00 PHP
Polish zloty16.00 PLN
Qatari rial18.00 QAR
Quetzal38.00 GTQ
Rand40.00 ZAR
Riel20600.00 KHR
Romanian leu12.00 RON
Rufiyaa77.00 MVR
Rupiah46000.00 IDR
Russian ruble150.00 RUB
Rwandan franc5000.00 RWF
Saint Helena pound4.00 SHP
Salvadoran Colón45.00 SVC
São Tomé And Príncipe Dobra110.00 STN
Saudi riyal19.00 SAR
Serbian dinar530.00 RSD
Seychelles rupee68.00 SCR
Singapore dollar8.00 SGD
Slovak koruna140.00 SKK
Solomon Islands dollar41.00 SBD
Somali shilling2898.00 SOS
Somoni52.00 TJS
Sri Lanka rupee907.00 LKR
Surinam dollar37.00 SRD
Swedish krona35.00 SEK
Swiss franc6.50 CHF
Tala13.00 WST
Tanzanian shilling11520.00 TZS
Tenge1887.00 KZT
Thai baht200.00 THB
Trinidad and Tobago dollar34.00 TTD
Tugrik13735.00 MNT
Tunisian dinar13.00 TND
Turkmenistani Manat20.00 TMT
Turkish lira70.00 TRY
Uganda shilling18388.00 UGX
UAE dirham20.00 AED
UK pounds sterling3.00 GBP
US dollar5.00 USD
Uzbekistani Som60,000.00 UZS
Uruguay peso100.00 UYI/UYU
Vatu582.00 VUV
Venezuelan bolivar30,000,000.00 VES
Won5830.00 KRW
Yemeni rial1252.00 YER
Yuan renminbi35.00 CNY
Zambian kwacha107.50 ZMW

Currency Conversions: If you withdraw your balance in a currency other than the currency in which the balance on your account is denominated, you will additionally be charged currency conversion fees.

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Other Merchant Fees

Included below are fees associated with events, requests, or actions that may happen when you use your account.

Other Fees

Bank Return on Withdrawal/Transfer out of PayPalThis fee is charged when a withdrawal/transfer out of PayPal is attempted by a user and it fails because incorrect bank account information or delivery information is provided.See Bank Return on Transfer out of PayPal Table below.
Credit Card and Debit Card Confirmation(s)Some users, in order to increase their sending limit or as PayPal may determine, may be charged a credit card and debit card link and confirmation fee. This amount will be refunded when you successfully complete the credit card or debit card verification process.See Credit Card and Debit Card Link and Confirmation Table below.
Commercial Transaction RefundsFull Refunds
  • If you refund a Commercial Transaction payment, there are no fees to make the refund, but the fees you originally paid to receive the payment are not returned to you.
Partial Refunds
  • If you refund a Commercial Transaction payment, there are no fees to make the refund, but the fees you originally paid to receive the payment are not returned to you.
Records RequestThis fee will apply for requests of information relating to why we had reasonable justification to refuse your payment order. We will not charge you for records requested in connection with your good-faith assertion of an error in your PayPal account.10.00 SGD or other currency equivalent (per item)

Bank Return on Withdrawal/Transfer out of PayPal Table

HR & IS3.00 EUR
ID50,000.00 IDR
PH250.00 PHP
MY15.00 MYR

Credit Card and Debit Card Link and Confirmation Table

Australian dollar2.00 AUD
Brazilian real4.00 BRL
Canadian dollar2.45 CAD
Czech koruna50.00 CZK
Danish krone12.50 DKK
Euro1.50 EUR
Hong Kong dollar15.00 HKD
Hungarian forint400.00 HUF
Israeli new shekel8.00 ILS
Japanese yen200.00 JPY
Malaysian ringgit10.00 MYR
Mexican peso20.00 MXN
New Taiwan dollar70.00 TWD
New Zealand dollar3.00 NZD
Norwegian krone15.00 NOK
Philippine peso100.00 PHP
Polish zloty6.50 PLN
Russian ruble60.00 RUB
Singapore dollar3.00 SGD
Swedish krona15.00 SEK
Swiss franc3.00 CHF
Thai baht70.00 THB
UK pounds sterling1.00 GBP
US dollar1.95 USD

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