Flexibility to pay the way that works for you

No interest charged

Make interest-free payments with Pay in 4.1

Widely available

Shop at millions of online stores around the globe.

No sign up or late fees

When you choose Pay in 4 there’s no risk of sign up fees or interest. It’s that simple.

Backed by PayPal

Get Buyer Protection on eligible purchases.2

Make fortnightly payments and manage them all via the app

Pay in 4

Pay in 4 with no interest and no late fees. Divide eligible purchases between $30-$2,000 into 4 interest-free instalments, at millions of stores around the globe.1

It’s effortless

to manage your plans

Confidently keep track of your payments. You can manage your repayments in the app or online or make a repayment earlier.

Get to know Pay in 4

Compare our Pay Later features
Pay in 41
Purchase amount $30-$2,000
Number of payments 4 interest-free payments
Time between payments The first payment at checkout, then three repayments, one every two weeks
Interest None
Repayment method Debit card, credit card or bank account
Buyer Protection2 Included on eligible purchases
Sign-up and late fees None
Automatic payments Automatically enrolled at time of purchase

Check out now.

Pay Later.

Choose PayPal at checkout

then select Pay in 4.

Confirm payment dates

and divide your purchase into 4 interest-free instalments.

Make the remaining payments

in the app or online with the ease of automatic payments.

Frequently asked questions


in the



Easily and securely send, and manage your payments—all in one place.

Download the app on your phone.