Check out safer with PayPal. Wherever you shop, whatever you buy, if it's not up to scratch, we can help fix it.
If your eligible purchase doesn’t arrive, or doesn’t match the seller’s description, we can reimburse you.
We monitor every transaction 24/7 to prevent fraud, email phishing and identity theft.
Every transaction is encrypted using our advanced encryption technology.
Items Not Covered
PayPal’s Buyer Protection program entitles you to reimbursement for the full purchase price of the item plus the original shipping costs you paid, if any when you don’t receive your item from a seller, or when you receive an item, but the item isn’t what you ordered.
Buyer Protection covers all eligible purchases where PayPal is used, as well as payments made through our website. To take advantage of Buyer Protection, we require, among other things, that PayPal accounts be kept in good standing and ask that a dispute be filed within 180 days of your purchase or payment, Term and Conditions apply.
You're not liable for unauthorised purchases made from your account.
If an order doesn't arrive or match the description, we'll reimburse the full cost of eligible purchases and paid delivery costs (where applicable).
We're here to help. Get support with suspicious activity, identity theft or phishing. Report your suspicions to us directly.