Check on your activity, sales, and more

Easy setup

Our reporting and analytics tools are already included with your Business account.

Streamlined data

Focus your reports on what you want to understand about sales, disputes, refunds, fees, and more.

Customize your reports

Add filters—to reflect time frame, transaction type, customer data, and other factors—to tailor your reports.

Download or export reports

All of your reports can be downloaded or exported, right from your Business account.

The data to manage your business today, optimize it for tomorrow

Our portfolio of financial reports and analytics can help you make the best decisions for your business.

Financial reports to do the books

Take the guesswork out of your financials with detailed reports and summaries that make reconciliation and accounting easy.

Manage day-to-day operations

Track everything from monthly sales activity to payment and transaction types—all with customizable time frames and filters.

Make tax time easier

Get all the reports and IRS forms you need around tax time—whether you’re doing your taxes yourself or handing it all off to your accountant.

Customize your data

Need a tailored date range? Buyer claims and chargebacks all in one place? Make each report work exactly the way you need it to.

Insights to turn data into action

Our analytics tools help you focus on the important aspects of your business.

See what’s already going well

Get a snapshot of what’s already working for your business with things like transaction data and checkout success rate.

Spot opportunities for improvement

Monitor the success rate of your transactions, find errors that may be impacting performance, and discover more about your customers.

Understand shopper behavior

With a little bit of code, Shopper Insights can help you find out what your shoppers are doing before they get to checkout.

Track sales. Identify top spenders and potential customers. Customize and export reports. Spot trends. The data you need, right where you need it.

We support businesses

just like yours

Every business needs a reliable partner. From secure payment processing to helpful business insights, we’re here for you.