PayPal’s advanced offers platform
Deliver the right deal at the right time.
Get in front of millions of active users with cash back offers. Reach customers with data-driven deals in the PayPal app and drive return visitors via Smart Receipts – over 300m opened monthly.1
Pay with PayPal reimagined
Help shoppers fly through checkout.
Checkout can now be twice as fast when paying with PayPal – with some merchants seeing latencies reduced by 50%.2
Fastlane by PayPal
Create a quick way for new customers to pay.
Let verified guest shoppers check out approximately 30% faster, so you don't miss a sale.3 In fact, shoppers with Fastlane profiles have shown to convert at about 80%.4
Package Tracking
Reduce business costs and streamline operations.
Minimize time spent dealing with delivery inquiries and reduce the number of “items not received” disputes by as much as 80%5 with our new shipment tracking feature.