Get help with an order you didn’t receive.

Contact the seller and check the shipping information

If you order something with PayPal and you don’t receive the item, the first step is to contact the seller. If available, you should check the delivery information and see when the package shipped. If it has already passed the expected delivery date, tell the seller it hasn't come.

Most sellers will help you track your purchase or arrange a replacement item.

Report that you haven't received your item

In some cases, however, a seller may not respond or be able to resolve the problem. If this happens to you, we’re on your side! PayPal Purchase Protection helps buyers who make purchases and don't receive the item, or it differs from what they ordered. To get things going, open a dispute in the Resolution Center.

Make sure you file your dispute within the correct dispute-filing timeframe. You and the seller will have 20 days to work things out. After that, a dispute will automatically close if neither party takes further action. A closed dispute cannot be reopened.

Ask PayPal to step in and help

If your initial attempt to resolve the problem with the seller is unsuccessful, you can escalate your case to a claim

We'll then investigate your case, and if we can't find a satisfactory resolution with the seller, we'll refund your money.

The time it takes us to decide the outcome can vary. It depends on how quickly both parties respond to our enquiries and whether or not we need more information.

We usually reach a decision within 14 days, but some cases can take 30 days or longer.

If your item arrives late after receiving a refund, you should work with your seller to return it or pay for it again. You can ask the seller how they would like to proceed and stick to the instructions.

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